Amelia Payne ~ Game Programmer

Burlington, VT | +1-802-343-8224 | |


  • Web Development: HTML/CSS (Bootstrap)/JavaScript (React, ES6, JQuery) PHP/Kotlin/Spring (WebFlux) and WordPress
  • Cloud Computing: Terraform, S3, Fargate and CloudFront 
  • Game Development: Programming Patterns, Graphics, Shader programming in WebGL, C++, Unity, and C#
  • Communication: Technical writing & documentation, public speaking, Slack
  • Leadership: Scrum based project management, Pineapple, Trello, Toggl

WORK EXPERIENCE Burlington Vermont, USA ~ Software Engineering Intern            05/19 – 08/19

  • Worked with experienced developers on an internal tools team to support the development of a new CMS
  • Witnessed the transition from in house hosting to AWS and closely observed the Lead Site Reliability Engineer
  • Presented work at Sprint Review Sessions and final showcase to coworkers and executives 

Emergent Media Center: Burlington Vermont, USA ~ Front End Web Developer       09/17 – 05/18

  • Worked as part of a team to develop interactive cross browser activities using JavaScript and JQuery for an online learning course
  • Worked within an agile project management framework using GIT and Trello. 

Governors Institute of Vermont: Burlington Vermont, USA ~ Residential Assistant / Teaching Assistant                     06/18 – 07/18

  • Supervised a group of 51 students in a residential setting 
  • TA’d classes on Unity, GameMaker, and Maya


Champlain College: Burlington, Vermont, U.S.A.

Bachelor of Science Degree in Game Programming     Anticipated Graduation: May 2021

  • GPA: 3.98 (4.0 Scale), Dean’s List Fall 2017, Presidents List 2018
  • Relevant Coursework: C++ Programming, Game Architecture, Database Design, IOS Programming, Game Production, Unity 2D, Scrum Based Team Management, Graphics Programming, Data Structures & Algorithms
  • Activities: Rock Climbing Club, Game Programming Mentor, 2018 Elevator Pitch Competition

Vermont Technical College: Randolph, Vermont, U.S.A.

High School Diploma (Software Engineering Major)                                                                     May 2016

  • GPA: 4.0 (4.0 Scale), Dean’s List Spring 2017 
  • Early admit freshman. Completed senior year of high school at the same time as the freshman year of college 
  • Relevant Coursework: Java Programming, Computer Networking, Web Development, Technical Writing



Burlington, Vermont, U.S.A. 5/19 – 8/19

Knowsiris is a Internal Knowledge Base system that aggregates logging (SumoLogic), monitoring (New Relic), and cloud resources (AWS) for website components in order to streamline development, aid in crisis response and gamify best practices 

  • Built both the front end interface (React, Bootstraps) and back end API (Kotlin, WebFlux)
  • Created a leaderboard that gamifies component ownership by ranking teams based on how well they follow best practices 
  • Responded to feedback from stakeholders


Jinn’s Curse: Champlain College, Burlington, Vermont, U.S.A

Lead Programmer ~ 1/19 – 2/19

  • Two player, resource management game set in 1890s East Africa
  • Programmed designer friendly inspector tools and built using the MVC design pattern in C# and Unity

Hobbies: Travel, rock climbing, hiking and adventuring