Often Wrong But Never Uncertain

Often Wrong But Never Uncertain

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Link: oftenwrongbutneveruncertain.com

Technology does not need to be cold and impersonal. Sometimes a warm and personal touch is needed. I found this to be the case while designing the writing blog Often Wrong But Never Uncertain.  

Landing Page

My client Elinore, a local writer, is older and not very tech savvy. She had piles of book reviews and other writings but no way to display them. We worked together to create the writing blog of her dreams.

My Client

As I built this website I took on the role of a teacher and confidant explaining each step of the process in a way my client could understand. We talked about how website hosting and domains work. We discussed what factors are important in choosing an ideal theme. I took time to make sure she was comfortable with each step of the process.

When Elinore wanted to understand more about the underlying technology we discussed what WordPress is doing behind the scenes and took a look at some HTML and CSS files.

I believe in bringing a human touch to technology. Being a good listener and understanding your clients needs is an often overlooked but essential step in the process of building anything.